BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Melb), FRACDS, Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Rhonda M Coyne is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
With 18 years experience, Dr. Rhonda Coyne is a qualified and experienced specialist orthodontist. She studied dentistry at the University of Queensland and orthodontics at the University of Melbourne and has been practicing orthodontics for many years.
Dr Rhonda Coyne teaches orthodontic students at James Cook University. Dedicated to professional development and being the best she can be in her field, Dr. Rhonda Coyne hails from a family of specialists and teachers and takes special interest in all forms of education.
Dr Rhonda Coyne is passionate about making you confident and happy. Rhonda says that the most exciting and rewarding part of her job is empowering patients with renewed confidence and self-belief and life-long dental health.