Dr Rachel AL Podesta Currumbin Fair Dental Currumbin

Dr Rachel AL Podesta

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Rachel AL Podesta is a female General Dentist.

Dr Rachel Podesta is Boctor Dental Smilecentre’s Associate Dentist, practicing at both the Ashmore and Bundall locations.

A true local, born and bred on the Gold Coast, Rachel graduated her dental degree from Griffith University with awards in Academic Excellence for her studies.

Rachel has been part of the team at SmileCentre since early 2011 when she completed her dental assisting certificate and fell in love with Dentistry.

Dr Rachel practices with the approach of making her patients feel as comfortable as possible. Rachel enjoys all aspects of general dentistry, especially treating children and has interests paediatric, family and cosmetic dentistry. As a perfectionist, she is dedicated to maintaining and developing her skills in dentistry by regularly attending seminars and courses.