BSc Dent. (Hons), BDS (Hons) (Adel), LDS, MDS (Paedo) (Adel), FAAPD, FPFA, MRACDS, FICD, Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Dr Joseph Verco is a male Specialist Paediatric Dentist.
Dr Joe Verco was the first graduate in the specialty of Paediatric Dentistry from The University of Adelaide (and the second in Australia). The only dentist to be awarded a Baillieu Medical Research Grant for postgraduate work.
Dr Verco has been a Past-President of the Australian Dental Association (SA Branch), Australian Society of Dentistry for Children (Federal and SA Branch) and more latterly Past-President of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry ( SA Branch). He has been Chairman of Public Relations Committee of I.A.P.D. and is currently on the Editorial Board of the Pierre Fauchard Academy.
He has also enjoyed an ambassadorial role on the People to People Programme hosted by Past Presidents of the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry in Russia, China, South Africa.
Outside dentistry Dr Verco is a Life Member of the National Trust, current member of the Heritage Committee of The University of Adelaide, Fellow Foundation Member of the Art Gallery of South Australia, Franklin Donor to the Mortlock Library of South Australia, Member of the Waterhouse Club of The South Australian Museum, Pilot Member of Angel Flight.
He has represented the ADA (SA Branch) on the Postgraduate Committee in Dentistry, ADA-Government Liaison Committee, ADA-Dental Trade Committee, Dental Faculty of The University of Adelaide, Council of Professions, Dental Policy and Implementation Review Committee, Public Relations Sub-Committee, Children’s Services Liaison Officer, ADA (Health) Funds Liaison Committee.