BDSc (Qld), MDSc (Qld), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Peter DB Grant is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
In orthodontics, creating a brilliant smile is very important, but It’s the people who matter the most. Sometimes we do some pretty cool orthodontics, but it is the change in people that matters. Knowing I made orthodontics affordable for a family who otherwise couldn’t afford it, is fantastic. I am thankful that I am able to bless others with a smile that can be truly life changing.
I always loved science, especially biology, and I love tinkering with my hands. I also like helping people and wanted to make a meaningful contribution to my community. Dentistry and orthodontics were just perfect. I earned my dental and orthodontic degrees from the University of Queensland and became a lecturer there after graduating. It’s also where I met my wife Roslyn!
In the 30 years I’ve been practicing, a lot has changed when it comes to technology and treatment methods. I love learning and am always considering what can be applied in my practice to make things quicker, easier, and more comfortable for my patients. Some might call me a CE addict, but I think I’m just dedicated to providing the quality of care my patients deserve.
In regards to orthodontic tools and technology, we’ve been on the forefront. We have been putting clear braces on everyone’s “social six” teeth for 27 years. I was at the first Invisalign® accreditation course in Queensland, was with ClearCorrect™ from year one in Australia, and was the first practice in Australia to use TP’s Originator® aligner system. Now, we have Orchestrate 3D aligners made in house. Additionally, we use Temporary Anchorage Devices, autologous transplants, 3D scanning, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography when needed. If I think it will help my patients, we get it. Together with another orthodontist Craig Scott from Geelong we foundedan Orthodntiic supply company called Collaborative Orthodontics that sellsorthodontic materials to other orthodontists. We did this so we could aceess the best materials even when they aren't readily available in Australia. Part of my responsibilities for Collaborative are to get the TGA approvals for our products and go to Australian and New Zealnd Orthodontic meetings to answer questions other Orthodontists have about them. I can tell you nothing makes you understand the products you use as the grilling you get from the TGA and your colleagues, and I deeply appreciate both of them.