Dr Penny Burbidge Gilbert Street Dental Adelaide

Dr Penny Burbidge

BDS (Adel), General Dentist

Dr Penny Burbidge is a female General Dentist.

Dr Penny Burbidge has worked in a variety of dental settings. Straight after graduating from Adelaide University in 2006 she returned to the Dental Hospital and worked at their emergency/pain relief clinic. At this time she also worked at our former second practice on Sturt Street.

She worked overseas for 2 years in the Cayman Islands, where she got to meet and treat a diverse range of people and cultures. After returning to Australia in 2008 she re-joined Gilbert St Dental at their current premises.

As a third-generation dentist, and after more than 17 years of practice, Penny has now taken over the running of Gilbert St Dental. Penny continues to see some of her Grandfather’s patients, along with her Father’s patients and many of their offspring. Penny enjoys all aspects of general dentistry and is also trained in Laser dentistry, Invisalign and muscle relaxants. Managing patients with bruxism and restoring highly worn teeth are especially rewarding.