BDS (Adel), MDS (Adel), Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Dr Nita Pai is a female Specialist Paediatric Dentist.
Dr Pai is a specialist Paediatric Dentist with 20 years experience in the field of Paediatric Dentistry.
Dr Pai completed both her Bachelors Degree in Dentistry and Masters in Paediatric Dentistry from the University of Adelaide.
After completing her training, in 1998 she moved to Perth, Western Australia, where she held positions of both Head of Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Perth Dental Hospital and Head of Department- Disability Dental Services West Perth from 1999 to 2001. Dr Pai also lectured and tutored undergraduate students at the University of Western Australia and was appointed consultant Paediatric Dentist at the Princess Margaret Hospital for children in 2000. During her time in Perth she also worked in specialist private practice.
In 2003, Dr Pai moved to Sydney to set up the first specialist paediatric dental practice in the Eastern suburbs and in the Illawarra region.
Dr Pai loves working with kids! Her vision of high standard dentistry within a child-oriented environment is encapsulated at Kids Dental Sydney.
Being solely focused on Children’s Dentistry allows Dr Pai to keep up and provide high quality dental treatment to all children in a friendly and caring manner. Her experience encompasses all aspects of Paediatric Dentistry with a special interest in management of chalky teeth, complex restorative treatment, special needs dentistry and dental trauma.
Dr Pai has a referral base from all areas of NSW and has a reputation for compassionate conservative care, surgical expertise and outstanding service.