BOH (Adel), BDS (Adel), General Dentist
Dr Nathaniel TJ Nowicki is a male General Dentist.
Dr Nowicki earned a Bachelor of Oral Health at Adelaide University and became an Oral Health Therapist. A few years later, he went back to University to obtain his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree in 2016. Like his late father and his father’s sister, Dr Nowicki continues the family tradition of using dentistry to give others something to smile about.
Dentists are only required to complete 60 hours of continuing education every three years, but Dr Nowicki spends much of his free time studying advancements in subjects such as biomaterials, orthodontics (Inman Aligners) and dental implants.
Some of Dr Nowicki’s favourite cases involve caring for individuals that have suffered from injuries due to domestic violence. After spending lengths of time rehabilitating their smiles, their self-esteem and confidence are practically tangible.