Dr Natalie A Ryan Wyatt Ryan Dental Surgeons Geelong

Dr Natalie A Ryan

BSc, BDSc, General Dentist

Dr Natalie A Ryan is a female General Dentist.

Dr Natalie Ryan graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1991 with a Bachelor Of Dental Science and also completed a Bachelor of Science Degree (Monash University ) in 1992. Natalie worked in both private practice in Geelong, her home town, and at the Royal Dental Hospital, Melbourne, before spending two years living and working in private practice in England. In 2000 Dr Michael Wyatt and Natalie took over the long-standing practice of Dr Robert Grant in Geelong.

Natalie has more than 20 years’ experience in all aspects of general, cosmetic and advanced dental care. She has a special interest in both children’s and preventative dentistry.

Natalie has been a member of the Australian Dental Association for more than two decades and has served as President of the Geelong ADA Victorian Branch group. She keeps herself well informed with all the latest scientific research and clinical developments by regularly attending postgraduate seminars and conferences.

The aim of Natalie and her experienced, professional team is to provide you and your family with the highest quality of dental care.