Dr Monika S Singh Ocean Dental Surgery Port Macquarie

Dr Monika S Singh

BDS, General Dentist

Dr Monika S Singh is a female General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).

Dr Monika Singh is a General Dentist who always welcomes her patients with a smile. She is a calm and gentle clinician who provides comprehensive care while ensuring her patients feel comfortable.

Dr Monika graduated from the Dental School in India in 2009. She moved to Australia after getting married in 2010. After clearing the assessment with the regulatory board in Australia, she moved to Port Macquarie with her husband in 2012 and fell in love with the place and decided to start a family and settle down. She is a proud mum of three kids - Aarya, Reyaan and Myraa.

Dr Monika has nearly 10 years of experience as a healthcare professional in Australia. Dr Monika is passionate about providing the highest quality of care and prides herself on a patient-centred approach to dentistry.

Prior to working in private practice, Monika has worked with NSW Health Public Dental at Port Macquarie and Kempsey clinics. She gained invaluable experience managing patients with special needs, dental trauma, emergency dentistry and paediatric patients.

Dr Monika enjoys all aspects of dentistry and has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry and special needs dentistry. She regularly attends courses to keep her knowledge and skills updated.

Being a parent, she particularly enjoys working with children and quickly helps them to feel comfortable during their visits.