Dr Mohit  Dubey Horne Street Dental Group Sunbury

Dr Mohit Dubey

BDS, MDS, General Dentist

Dr Mohit Dubey is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).

Dr Mohit Dubey graduated as a dentist in the year 2006 and completed his post graduation in Pediatric Dentistry in the year 2009 (BDS, MDS, India). His thesis and clinical case study have been published in highly reputed international dental journals. Mohit has 12 years of international and national clinical experience. He has worked in both Sydney and Melbourne before joining Horne Street Dental Group. Mohit enjoys all aspects of dentistry with a special interest in Pediatric, Cosmetic and Implant dentistry. He is also an Invisalign and Clear Correct provider which are clear braces for straightening crooked teeth. Mohit did his Fellowship in Dental Implantology in the year 2016 from The University of Miami, USA. He is continuously improving his clinical skills and is actively involved in attending lectures and presentations both at national and international level. He has strong values and work ethics. He is passionate about dentistry. Mohit is always looking forward to provide patients with the highest level of personalized care available.