BDS (Otago), General Dentist
Dr Missy MC Chang is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Missy Chang graduated from the University of Otago, New Zealand and has been practicing on the Gold Coast since 2005. Missy has been with the Boctor Dental Smilecentre team since 2005 and works at the Smilecentre Bundall clinic.
Dr Missy Chang is a very gentle dentist and is passionate about providing a friendly and comfortable environment for anxious patients. If you’re afraid of the dentist, Dr Missy will help set you at ease. She is truly one of the best dentists Gold Coast has to offer. She is patient and enjoys spending time educating people about their oral health and thoroughly explaining different treatment options.
She keeps up to date with new techniques by attending continuing education seminars. She enjoys all parts of dentistry with special interests in Family dentistry, treating children, and straightening teeth (using Invisalign or conventional orthodontics). Dr Missy is also very skilled and thoroughly enjoys Cosmetic Dentistry including crowns, porcelain veneers and bridges and professional teeth whitening (Zoom whitening or Take Home Whitening) – she loves to provide beautiful bright smiles to her patients.
Dr Missy is a registered Medicare Provider for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule, so if your child may be eligible for the $1000 Free Kids Dental program, Dr Missy is a fantastic children’s dentist on the Gold Coast who can bulk bill your child’s dental appointments.
If you’ve been searching for a gentle dentist in the Gold Coast to provide quality care for your family’s dental needs, Dr Missy Chang is here for you.