Dr Milly Woon Southbridge Dental South Perth

Dr Milly Woon

BDSc, FICD, FADI, General Dentist

Dr Milly Woon is a female General Dentist.

Millicent “Milly” Woon has been passionately working as a dentist for over twenty years. Drawn to the profession by her desire to help people, Milly finds the job to be really rewarding when she can transform somebody’s smile or relieve their pain. Millyhas a particular enthusiasm for aesthetic dentistry. She is able to perform tooth whitening, and employ other soft tissue modalities, such as Botox and dermal fillers, to assist with overall cosmetic results.

Milly has been a member of the Dental Study Group of Western Australia since 1999. Milly served on the committee for many years and as President in 2006. The “DSG” is the oldest group in WA, it was established in 1954.

Milly was honoured to receive her Fellowship in the International College of Dentistry in 2016. She was also appointed a Fellow of the Academy of Dentistry International in 2002.

Milly loves to give back and has volunteered for cooking projects with organisations including Ronald McDonald House and Manna House. She also volunteers as a dentist with the Kimberley Dental Team in remote indigenous communities and for Equal Health abroad.

Milly is married to Simon and loves spending time with their two sons. She is also passionate about cooking, especially traditional Asian cuisine. She is also an avid reader, walks to keep fit and loves racquet sports.