Dr Milena  Milewska Coastal Dental Care Cabarita Beach Cabarita Beach

Dr Milena Milewska

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Milena Milewska is a female General Dentist who speaks Polish (as well as English).

Dr Millie Milewska is the principal dentist at Coastal Dental Care Cabarita Beach. Millie places high values on a well-functioning team. For this reason, she has handpicked all associate dentists at her practice. She does not only ensure that all dentists are gentle and kind but most importantly highly skilled dental professionals.

Cabarita Beach are supported by a spectacular, highly competent team who are passionate about teeth.

As a dentist, Millie knows dental visits can be stressful and daunting for patients, so her team tries its best to make the experience as pleasant and as enjoyable as possible. If you decide to come to our Cabarita practice, please be prepared for a very vibrant atmosphere, often amplified by the sound of good music and lots of laughter.

Born overseas, Millie came to Sydney as a nine-year-old and she still speaks Polish fluently. Millie aspired to be a dentist from an early age. But, after finishing high school the only dental degree in Sydney was graduate entry. She therefore studied Science at the University of Sydney (USyd), achieving first class honours in organic chemistry in 2007.

Throughout this degree, Millie worked as a dental nurse to learn about the profession she desired to enter. After the BSc (Hon) degree, she was unsuccessful in entering the graduate dental program.

Quite disheartened, Millie applied and was accepted into graduate law at USyd the following year. She quickly realised however, that the legal profession is not for her. For this reason, she discontinued within the first semester. Millie investigated other dental schools around Australia. In 2009, she moved to the Gold Coast after being accepted into dentistry at Griffith University. Words could not describe her happiness, gratitude and excitement.

Millie started working at Coastal Dental Care, including at the Cabarita Beach practice, as a part-time relief dental nurse during the latter part of the dental degree. She was offered to continue as a dentist following graduation in 2013.

In January 2014, Millie returned to Cabarita as a locum dentist and fell in love with the town, the practice and the patients. Luckily for her this position became permanent and as they say ‘the rest is history’.

Millie enjoys all facets of her job, from regular hygiene appointments to more complex prosthetic work. One of the most rewarding aspects of being a general dentist is establishing long-term connections and trust with patients. There is also something really special about watching children grow up as they attend their regular appointments.

Great communication is paramount in dentistry – Millie and her team aim to arm patients with a thorough understanding of their oral health. This means, explaining all treatment options available to improve their patients oral health. For that reason, she likes to spend adequate time with her new patients.

The initial appointment often involves not only the examination and x-rays but also full intraoral photos. This helps patients to visualise what is happening in their mouth.