BDS (Syd), MDSc (Syd), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Michael D Imer is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Michael Imer has lived and worked in Sydney’s Inner West for almost 30 years. He obtained his initial dental degree from The University of Sydney in 1981 and returned to complete his Specialist Orthodontic degree from the same University in 1986. Since becoming an orthodontist he has worked solely in this Inner West Practice and has built many long-standing relationships with local dental professionals, patients and families. Many of these relationships have extended and continued outside the Practice via local sporting clubs where both he and his four adult children continue to be involved as players, managers, coaches and umpires.
Michael is particularly proud of the relaxed and family oriented atmosphere that everyone working in the Totally Ortho practice aspires to maintain.
Over the years Michael has given a significant portion of his spare time to the Australian Society of Orthodontists, spending two decades on its governing Council covering all roles – Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-President and President – looking after the interests of both Orthodontists and their patients.