Dr Mick Curtis The Avenues Family Dental Ashgrove

Dr Mick Curtis

BSc (NSW) BDent (Syd), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Mick Curtis is a male General Dentist.

Dr Mick is a self-motivated and empathetic General Dentist with over ten years’ experience in dentistry and has post graduate qualifications in Dental Implants. He thrives in a team environment and has excellent communication skills.

Mick did a Bachelor of Science at ADFA and joined the Australian Navy for nigh on 20 years. He became a helicopter pilot and an engineering test pilot. He then completed a Bachelor of Dentistry in 2011 and joined the Army where he was a dentist, Senior Dental Officer and Clinical Training officer over a 10 year period.

In 2017 Mick completed a Post Graduate Diploma Clinical Dentistry (Implants), at the University of Melbourne. Since then he has focused on building a practice placing and restoring dental implants. He has completed over 200 cases.

He is a strong believer in professional development and is an active member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI). He recently attended the ITI Modern Implantology course at Harvard University in Boston, MD, USA.