Dr Meagan F Healy Gardiner Dental Glen Iris

Dr Meagan F Healy

BDSc (Melb), BDentStud (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Meagan F Healy is a female General Dentist.

Dr Meagan Healy has been practicing dentistry for over 12 years. Meagan graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Science and a Bachelor of Dental Studies from the University of Melbourne in 2003.

Meagan and George studied together at University and now Meagan joins George at Gardiner Dental after working for many years in a high profile dental practice in Mornington. Meagan has lived locally all her life and is now excited to practice dentistry in Glen Iris.

Meagan is highly sought after by patients for her ability to communicate clearly, her attention to detail, and also her caring nature.

Meagan enjoys all aspects of general and family dentistry. She takes particular interest in preventive and conservative treatments for adults and children. Meagan’s experience includes cosmetic procedures, implants, root canal, crown & bridge and veneers.

Meagan is a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA). She frequently attends professional development courses to remain up to date with the latest advances and techniques in modern dentistry.