Dr Matthew R Bodo Dental One Craigieburn Craigieburn

Dr Matthew R Bodo

BDS (Adel), General Dentist

Dr Matthew R Bodo is a male General Dentist.

Dr Matthew Bodo grew up in Melbourne and moved to Adelaide to complete his Bachelor of Dental Surgery. His studies provided him with the experience of practicing in regional South Australia, before returning to Melbourne for private practice.

We’re pleased to see his energy and passion in the dental surgery, while he provides excellent dental care and oral health advice.

Within our general dental practice, Matthew is a Progressive Orthodontics Provider. His further study in this area means he can use the latest dental technology to help transform patients’ smiles.

Matthew’s focus as a dentist is to provide holistic dental care for all family members. He tailors dental treatments and advice for individual patients while considering their overall health.

Matthew’s interests surround using lasers in dentistry and the use of facial injectables as part of treatment for TMJ disorders. His particular interest lies in conventional orthodontics.

With Matthew’s naturally caring personality, what he enjoys most is providing patient-centred dental care where his patients feel comfortable and fully informed at all stages of an appointment.