BDSc (Melb), MDSc (Melb), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Melb), MRACDS (Endo), Specialist Endodontist
Dr Mark V Weis is a male Specialist Endodontist.
Dr Mark Weis obtained his BDSc (1996) followed by his GradDipClinDent and MDSc from the University of Melbourne in 2003. Mark is currently working in private specialist practice in Armadale and Berwick with Drs Daniel Bierenkrant, Ilya Belobrov, Theo Chan and Francis Chan. He is involved in both postgraduate and undergraduate teaching at the University of Melbourne.
Mark has a special interest in contemporary obturation systems, which formed the basis of his master’s thesis and subsequent publications in the International Endodontic Journal. Mark’s other interests and favoured lecture topics include MTA cracked teeth and Endodontics microsurgery.
Mark has been involved in continuing education courses at the University of Melbourne since 2004. He has continued to demonstrate for the endodontic postgraduate students since February 2006.