Dr Marcus TP Yan Sydney Endodontists Sydney

Dr Marcus TP Yan

BDS (Syd), MDSc (Endo), FRACDS, MRACDS (Endo), FPFA, FICD, Specialist Endodontist

Dr Marcus TP Yan is a male Specialist Endodontist.

Dr Marcus Yan completed his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree from University of Sydney in 1994, then a Master of Dental Science degree in Endodontics from University of Queensland and a fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) in 2001, and has been admitted as a member of the RACDS in the specialist field of Endodontics in 2008. Marcus has published papers in Australian Endodontic Journal and Annals of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons.

Marcus was the past president of the Australian Society of Endodontology (NSW) in 2007/2008. He is the current council member of Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation, a member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Endodontists, an associate member of the American Association of Endodontists. Marcus has been reguarly involved with Continuing Education in Dentistry at the University of Sydney since 2002. Marcus lectures both nationally and internationally. He has particular interests in rotary instrumentation and surgical endodontics.

Marcus was also a captain of the Royal Australian Army Reserve of the Dental Corps and had participated as a visiting lecturer at the University of Sydney.

Outside of endodontics Marcus enjoys travelling, running and spending time with his family.