BOHSc (Dentistry), MDent (Latrobe), General Dentist
Dr Lisa Y Guo is a female General Dentist.
Dr Lisa Guo grew up and underwent her studies in Bendigo, where she got her degree from LaTrobe University in 2012. After graduation, Lisa decided to remain in Bendigo, as she loved the community. She worked at a private family dental practice for 5 years, and expects to remain in Bendigo for a long time after opening Epsom Dental with her husband, Ken, in 2016.
Hours of continuing education has allowed her to hone in on her particular interests which include cosmetic dentistry, smile makeovers and root canal treatment.
Lisa understands that there are many patient goals when they come to see your dentist, whether it may be aesthetic, functional or just maintenance. Her aim is to provide patients with all their options and work it through with them so they may receive the highest standard of care to achieve their perfect smile.