BDS (Adel), General Dentist
Dr Lauren J Gill is a female General Dentist.
Dr Lauren Gill graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide in 2013. Lauren started out in a very busy dental clinic in Mount Gambier, but after several years away she is now settled back home in Adelaide and is thrilled to be working alongside her father.
Lauren practises a wide range of general family dentistry including check-ups, cleans, fillings and crowns. She has a passion for gently removing teeth. Lauren likes to keep her appointments as relaxed and enjoyable as possible. She’ll take the time to explain the whole treatment and answer all of you questions so you can make an informed decision.
Lauren is highly qualified and a member of many professional dental associations. She has qualifications including Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Adel); Membership of the Faculty of Dentistry (RCSI); Membership in General Dental Surgery (RCSI); and Graduate Diploma of Dental Implantology (JCU).