BSc (Hons) (Sheffield), BDS (Hons) (Liverpool), General Dentist
Dr Laura Sanderson is a female General Dentist.
Dr Laura is a dentist passionate about dentistry and truly dedicated to the health and well-being of her patients. She prides herself on her gentle, caring, empathetic approach and loves creating new smiles for her patients and improving their confidence.
Dr Laura graduated with honours and distinction from University of Liverpool in 2014 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and was awarded the Walter Thomas Prize achieving the best overall mark for the BDS OSCE examination.
She also holds a degree in Biomedicine with BSc Honours from University of Sheffield during which time, was awarded the Christopher Steinitz prize, for exceptional achievement in the face of personal adversity.
Dr Laura moved to Australia in 2015 to find a better work-life balance. This has certainly been achieved and she is now lucky enough to call Australia home.
Laura enjoys practicing all aspects of general dentistry and takes a particular interest in aesthetic dentistry. In addition to treating adults, she enjoys treating children and families and is an advocate for good oral health and maintenance.
Having experienced dental fear herself has allowed her to truly understand and relate to those who find it difficult to visit the dentist. She works hard to help her patients overcome their fears by making dental visits as rewarding and enjoyable as possible.
She is both an ambassador and gold status provider for Quick Straight Teeth and has published dental articles in the Australasian Dental Journal.