Dr Lani N Guy We Make Smiles Windsor

Dr Lani N Guy

General Dentist

Contact Dr Lani N Guy

Dr Lani N Guy is a female General Dentist.

Dr Lani is a Queenslander born-and-bred with her roots in the beautiful Fraser Coast region. She completed her dental studies here in Brisbane and has won several awards including being the Australian Dental Graduate of the Year. As a Brisbane local, Dr Lani enjoys exploring our lovely State with her two school aged children and mini-schnauzer. Dr Lani chose dentistry as a career because of the huge impact oral health has on our overall health; as well as our self-esteem and self-confidence.

Dr Lani has a bright and bubbly personality and will always welcome you with a smile. Dr Lani also has psychology qualifications and will go out of her way to make you feel comfortable, safe and informed. She is especially good with children, defence force veterans, anxious patients, and those suffering from chronic pain and jaw pain or living with mental health issues.