Dr Jippy Buck Midland Orthodontists Midland

Dr Jippy Buck

BEng (Hons) (WA), BDS (Adel), BScD (Hons) (Adel), DClinDent (Ortho) (Syd), MRACDS (Ortho), Specialist Orthodontist

Dr Jippy Buck is a female Specialist Orthodontist who speaks Thai (as well as English).

Dr Kitirat Jippy Buck was born and raised in Perth. She first studied Mechatronic Engineering at UWA finishing with honours. She then completed her Bachelor of Dental Surgery at the University of Adelaide and concurrently completed her Bachelor of Science in Dentistry research degree finishing with 1st class honours. Her thesis was on the development of a simplified aesthetic orthodontic bracket. Jippy then returned to work as a general dentist in private practice in Bunbury before moving to Sydney. She completed her primary examinations for the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons with commendations.

Jippy obtained her orthodontic training at the University of Sydney where her research thesis examined the orthopaedic correction of Class III malocclusions using anchorage plates, which was presented at the 4th World Implant Orthodontics Conference in Sydney and granted the Young Chel Park award for best research study and presentation. She was also selected to present at the 89th Congress of the European Orthodontic Society in Iceland 2013. In addition to dentofacial orthopaedics, Jippy has interests in aesthetic orthodontic treatment in both adults and children and advancing orthodontic design, where she has had the opportunity to implement her newly designed aesthetic orthodontic bracket.

Jippy was awarded the Sam Bulkley ABO travelling fellowship to the University of Connecticut to conduct research in the stability of open bite treatment which she presented at the 2015 Australian Society of Orthodontists Foundation for Research and Education meeting. She is a member of the Australian Orthodontic Society, Australasian Orthodontic Board, Member of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (Orthodontics), Australian Dental Association and World Federation of Orthodontists.

Jippy has been practicing specialist Orthodontics in private practice in Sydney and Dubbo. Outside of work Jippy enjoys tennis, cooking, spending time with friends, family and most of all her children. ​ Jippy looks forward to joining the Midland Orthodontists team and helping you or your family members achieve a beautiful smile.