BDS (Adel), General Dentist
Dr Karzhan Gill is a male General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).
Dr Karzhan Gill graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide in 1987. After working in both Adelaide and country South Australia, he returned to Adelaide to set up Melrose Park Dental & Implant Centre in 1995.
Karzhan was an Army Reservist in the Royal Australian Army Dental Corps. He still serves the defence community as a dentist at Keswick Barracks and RAAF Base Edinburgh. Originally hailing from Hong Kong, Karzhan is fluent in both English and Cantonese.
His clinical interests include all aspects of contemporary general dentistry, and he enjoys being able to put patients at ease, especially those that are particularly nervous at first. He is always learning & upskilling to stay at the forefront of dental technology and techniques. His ongoing education has included numerous courses in oral surgery, implantology and general dental clinical skills.
Karzhan is highly experienced in all areas of general and cosmetic dentistry and holds the following qualifications Bachelor of Dental Surgery (Adel); Diploma of Primary Care Dentistry (RCSI); Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Adel) Postgraduate Diploma of Dental Implantology (CSU); and Graduate Diploma of Business in Health Service Management (USA).