Dr Karen B Gibson Bupa Dental - Maleny Maleny

Dr Karen B Gibson

BDS (Dundee), General Dentist

Dr Karen B Gibson is a female General Dentist.

Dr Karen Gibson acquired her Bachelor of Dentistry from Dundee, Scotland in 1999, and a postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Training from Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2011. Dr Karen is interested in all aspects of general dentistry, particularly preventative care and cosmetic treatments, which can make a significant difference to a patient’s smile and wellbeing.

Dr Karen believes dentistry is an important aspect of healthcare and wants to make a difference by helping patients to keep their teeth healthier for longer. Dr Karen has a calm and gentle manner which helps ensure all her patients have a positive dental experience. Advances in materials over the last 25 years mean silver amalgam fillings and metal crowns are no longer necessary. This allows the use of tooth-coloured restorative materials to provide natural-looking restorations and to replace missing teeth.