BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist
Dr Kaeli P Etheridge is a female General Dentist.
Dr Kaeli Etheridge is a dedicated dentist with experience in both the public and private sector of dentistry. She enjoys all facets of general dentistry and loves supporting her patients.
After growing up in Brisbane, Kaeli studied Biomedical Science at La Trobe University in Melbourne. She soon relocated back to the Gold Coast missing the warmer weather and wanting to study dentistry. She graduated from Griffith University with academic excellence in 2013.
Kaeli has had an interest in head and neck anatomy from an early age. Being passionate about helping people, she always wanted to be a front line health worker. This is why she decided to dedicate her career to dentistry. Kaeli enjoys supporting patients on their way to achieve high oral health standards.
Before joining the Coastal Dental Care Banora Point team, Kaeli ran a charity and worked in research in Indonesia. It was an incredibly rewarding and humbling experience and she still feels very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about the Indonesian culture.