Dr Julia R Gellatly Flinders Dental Practice Flinders

Dr Julia R Gellatly

BSc, BDSc (Hons) (Melb), General Dentist

Dr Julia R Gellatly is a female General Dentist.

Julia brings to the practice over 21 years in the dental profession. Beginning her career with Bachelor Degrees in both Science (Anatomy and Physiology) and Arts (Police Studies) from Monash University, Julia initially worked as a research respiratory physiologist. With a thirst for further knowledge, Julia switched career paths to one that involved a greater involvement with patients on a daily basis.

After successfully qualifying as a dental assistant (through RMIT), then studying a Bachelor of Oral Health at the University of Melbourne, Julia then went on to complete her Bachelor of Dental Science (also at the University of Melbourne), graduating with Honours in 2009 and winning the prizes for paediatric dentistry and special needs dentistry.

Not satisfied with four degrees, Julia has since then completed her Masters Degree in Medicine (Monash University) majoring in Forensic Odontology. Her passion for forensic sciences is life long and adds a unique thought-processing skill set to her repertoire. At this she is not ruling out future post-graduate study to further her knowledge.

Julia enjoys the challenge of problem solving in her work and strives to ensure patient comfort, open and clear communication with her patients and honest dental care. Julia will take the time to discuss with her patients their unique dental needs, educate them on prevention of dental disease and show them ways to empower themselves in taking care and responsibility for their own oral health.