Dr Joy YL Huang Bicton and Cockburn Paediatric Dentistry Bicton

Dr Joy YL Huang

BDSc (WA), DClinDent (Paediatrics) (Melb), Specialist Paediatric Dentist

Dr Joy YL Huang is a female Specialist Paediatric Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).

Joy Huang completed her Bachelor of Dental Science degree at the University of Western Australia in 2010. After working in a private practice in Mandurah for a number of years, her interest in working with children led her to undertaking a three-year postgraduate Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (Paediatric Dentistry) degree at the University of Melbourne. During this period, she undertook roles at the Royal Children’s Hospital (Melbourne), the Paediatric Dental Department of the Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne, and the Melbourne Dental Clinic. Joy was also involved in teaching and supervision of Doctor of Dental Science students from the University of Melbourne Dental School; and as part of the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health (Sydney University), provided consulting advice to dental therapists in the rural towns of Moree, Mungindi, Goondiwindi, and Boggabilla.

On her return to Western Australia, she completed advanced training at the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, working as a Senior Registrar. Joy now practices at both Bicton and Cockburn Paediatric Dentistry, and provides dental treatment under general anaesthesia at Southbank Day Surgery. In addition, she holds a position at the Perth Children’s Hospital as a Dental Consultant, where she provides consulting advice to the specialist trainees, and manages patients with complex medical conditions. She enjoys all aspects of paediatric dentistry, with a special interest in behaviour management, dental trauma, and the management developmental defects of the dentition. Joy is also the current Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Paediatric Dentistry (WA Branch).