BMedSci (Syd), BDSc (CSU), BSc, MSc (Pain Medicine), DClinDent (Oral Medicine) (Melb), Specialist in Oral Medicine
Dr Joseph M Ryan is a male Specialist in Oral Medicine.
Dr Joseph is an Oral Medicine Specialist whose passion in his specialty has also led him to being a Senior Lecturer in Oral Medicine at Charles Sturt University. His patients truly feel like they can ask him anything due to his always friendly chairside manner.
Dr Joseph is an Oral Medicine Specialist whose passion in his specialty has also led him to being a Senior Lecturer in Oral Medicine at Charles Sturt University. His patients truly feel like they can ask him anything due to his always friendly chairside manner.
Dr Joseph was originally from Canberra where he started as a general dentist. After several years of working alongside his father and brothers in private practice, he returned to university to specialise in Oral Medicine and also completed a Masters Degree in Pain Medicine. As an oral medicine specialist he diagnoses and manages a wide range of oral mucosal abnormalities, such as ulcers, growths, cancers, infections and allergies. He also treats disorders related to the salivary glands, temporomandibular (jaw) disorders, taste and smell disorders, oral manifestations of systemic and infectious diseases, and obstructive sleep apnoea.
When not in clinic, he teaches at Charles Sturt University as a Senior Lecturer in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology at Charles Sturt University and at Melbourne University as an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Oral Medicine and Oral Pathology.