BDS,MDS,, General Dentist
Dr Joseph M da Cruz is a male General Dentist.
Holistic dentist, Dr Joseph Da Cruz from Canberra/Queanbeyan, Australia, currently works in the areas of preventative health, pain management and TemporoMandibular Dysfunction (TMD). Dr Joseph Da Cruz has been interested in the areas of general health, functional medicine, nutrition, psychology, biochemistry, blood chemistry, Chinese and Indian medicine for many years. Born in India, having lived in Africa, studied in India and then immigrated to Australia, Dr Joseph Da Cruz now owns private practice in the Canberra/Queanbeyan area, from which he has worked for 28 years. His work has attracted and continues to attract a wide patient base from the USA, Europe and across Australia. Dr Joseph Da Cruz's focus in holistic dentistry encompasses general dentistry, laser dentistry, three dimensional in-office imaging, TMJ pain management, functional medicine, dento-facial orthopedics, full mouth reconstruction and appliance therapy.
Dr Da Cruz received his Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) in 1976 and his Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) in 1979, both from the University of Mumbai, India. He is a member of the ADA (Australian Dental Association), a founding member of ASOMAT (Australian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), a fellow of ACNEM (Australian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine) and is a member of the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain (AACP). Dr Joseph Da Cruz has lectured in Australia India, China and the USA. Dr Joseph Da Cruz is currently involved in non-invasive dental treatment, focusing on interrelated conditions of malocclusion, TMD and seep disordered breathing using functional appliance therapy. His work is facilitated through use of Splint, Orthodontic, Myofunctional dental Appliance treatment (SOMA). The creation of the SOMA and the integrated, single phase treatment approach is unique to Dr Joseph Da Cruz's work and has been developed in collaboration with Dr John Diamond (
Dr Joseph Da Cruz's 31 years of experience in dentistry have shown him that underdevelopment of the pre-maxilla and associated jaw positions are related to patterns of breathing obstruction, TMD, headaches, migraines and chronic postural related back problems. Dr Joseph Da Cruz's understanding of the structural development regarding the pre-maxilla has shown that health associated problems may be avoided at an early age with simple life style changes. Many of these problems may go unnoticed in adulthood and do not need immediate treatment, however, if these health problems affect normal day to day activities and a normal way of life then dental treatment options may provide significant health benefits.
Dr Joseph Da Cruz shows a life time commitment to dentistry and preventative health. He shows a passion and enthusiasm for the subject and is excited at the prospects of future collaboration in medicine and Dentistry. Dr Joseph Da Cruz welcomes discussion on the topics of Dentistry and its role in functional medicine of the human body as a whole.