Dr Jonathan M Goldberg East Keilor Dental Keilor East

Dr Jonathan M Goldberg

BDSc, General Dentist

Dr Jonathan M Goldberg is a male General Dentist.

Although he graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 2005, Jonathan has been involved in dentistry his entire life (with dentists for a father and aunt). He also worked as a dental assistant for five years, while he was studying to become a dentist. Jonathan believes that continuing education is vital to providing the highest quality of dentistry for his patients and as such not only attends a multitude of national and international conferences, but also works as a clinical demonstrator at the University of Melbourne dental school. His particular interests are preventative dentistry, restorative and cosmetic dentistry, management of snoring and sleep apnoea, and treatment of bad breath. He is also able to provide certain orthodontic management including Invisalign.

Jonathan currently holds membership/accreditation in the following groups:

  • Australian Dental Association
  • Australian Prosthodontic Society
  • Australian Society of Periodontology
  • American Dental Association
  • American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine
  • Australasian Sleep Association