BDSc (WA), FRACDS, General Dentist
Dr John S Watson is a male General Dentist.
Having grown up on a farm near Dongara in WA’s mid-west, John feels a strong connection with the country and country people. This connection led to him working in country practice in Geraldton and Dongara and then Jurien Bay and Wongan Hills for eleven years following his graduation in 1993.
While at Jurien Bay, John studied for his Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons gaining admission in 2004. He is currently secretary of the WA regional committee of the college.
After working for two years in the UK, John joined the practice in 2007.
John undertook his first education in Dental Implants began in 1999 and his special interest has continued ever since, qualifying in and gaining extensive experience in bone grafting and the placement and restoration of dental implants.
Also involved in education, John has previously served as an honorary clinical consultant and clinical tutor at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UWA.