Dr John  Stolz  Dental Flossophy Corinda

Dr John Stolz

BDS (Adel), MSc (London), General Dentist

Dr John Stolz is a male General Dentist.

John has almost 15 years dental experience, including working in both London and in Brisbane. He qualified from Adelaide University, where I grew up, and then as a new graduate in the Army, had his first posting to Brisbane as a Captain Dental Officer.

After four years in Brisbane, working both in a private and the military dental practice, John went to London and worked there for nearly 10 years. Whilst there, he completed a Masters in Science in Dental Radiology and Radiography at King’s College, University of London.

John has been back in Australia since 2005 and trying to bring all this experience together in a practice that aims to be friendly, relaxed and professional, in a great setting.