Dr John JH Kim Epping Beyond Dental and Implant Studio Epping

Dr John JH Kim

BDS (Syd), MSc (Oral Implant) (Frankfurt), Grad.Dip.App.Anat ( UNE), FICOI, DICOI, FASID, Grad.Dip.Chr.Stud ( ACT, PTC), General Dentist

Dr John JH Kim is a male General Dentist who speaks Korean (as well as English).

As a child, John Kim was fascinated by the tools that his mechanic father used when fixing cars. There was something about all the different shapes and sizes of the screws, wrenches and pliers used by his father that simply captivated him. It’s quite ironic now that this little boy has grown to be a leading dental implant surgeon, using tools that are far more precise and expensive than his childhood father used all those years ago.

Fast forward to 1994 when John graduated from Sydney University as a fully qualified dentist! He went on to open his first dental practice with his wife, Julianna, in a small country town called Moe in Victoria. Whilst John loved working in Moe, he quickly noticed a recurring problem with his patients – they had difficulty eating due to a lack of back teeth.

John set himself the challenge of finding a solution to this problem and after studying a variety of alternative treatment options, he focused on implant dentistry. This led John to relocate his practice to Epping in Sydney where he has become one of the leading practitioners of dentoalveolar surgery and dental implants in Australia. In fact, over the past 25 years, John has performed over 6,000 implant surgeries and an uncountable number of wisdom teeth extractions.

John continually updates his specialised knowledge by attending both national and international seminars. As a Dentium implant and Osstem implant clinical tutor he has been teaching in Sydney and Melbourne seminar venues since 2012, imparting his expertise on the next generation of dentists. He has also obtained a graduate Diploma in Surgical Anatomy, a Fellowship at the International Congress of Oral Implantologists and belongs to the Australian Society of Implant Dentistry. John will graduate with a Masters of Oral Implant from Frankfurt University in Germany later this year (2020).