Dr John P Fricker Orthoclinic Manuka

Dr John P Fricker

OAM, BDS (Syd), MDSc (Syd), Dip Ed (Adult), FRACDS, FICD, Specialist Orthodontist

Dr John P Fricker is a male Specialist Orthodontist.

Dr John Fricker is a registered specialist orthodontist with the Dental Board of Australia. His qualifications include a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and a Master of Dental Science in Orthodontics both from the University of Sydney.

Dr Fricker is one of the most experienced Orthodontists in Canberra. He is considered a leader of the profession with over 30 years of experience, multiple published research papers, and a Medal of the Order of Australia for his contributions to the profession. Highly skilled in the specialty of Orthodontics, Dr Fricker also offers treatment options to Cleft Lip and Palate patients and those with Sleep Apnea.

Dr Fricker a true inspiration to all, was obviously a role model for his step daughter who is currently training to be a dentist at the University of Adelaide.