Dr Jessica L Scott SmileCentre Bundall Bundall

Dr Jessica L Scott

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Jessica L Scott is a female General Dentist.

Dr Jessica Scott, is Boctor Dental Smilecentre’s full time Dentist at Currumbin Fair Dental Surgery and has been with us since 2010. She is a Currumbin local who grew up in the southern end of the Gold Coast. She completed her schooling at All Saints Anglican School in Merrimac and continued her education at Griffith University’s Southport Campus. She holds a Bachelor of Oral Health and Graduate Diploma of Dentistry.

She initially decided upon Dentistry as a career because she enjoys interacting with patients and that she can help people. She enjoys that Dentistry is a caring profession, which is constantly challenging and interesting. According to Dr Jessica Scott, “It is brilliant to be in the business of making people smile”. She enjoys attending continuing professional development courses and expanding her knowledge to become the best dentist she can be.

Dr Jessica Scott thoroughly enjoys all aspects of general dentistry, but finds denture fabrication and periodontal treatment (such as deep gum cleans) particularly rewarding. She also loves treating and developing a trusting relationship with children, as early exposure to positive dental experiences results in less ‘fear’ of the dentist when the child grows up.