Dr Jennifer  Lim Strathfield Dentists Strathfield

Dr Jennifer Lim

BDS (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Jennifer Lim is a female General Dentist.

The name sounds fancy but I don’t look very intimidating because I’m small in stature. Graduating with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery with Honours in 2004 (University of Sydney), I headed to Lithgow and worked in private practice. When the cold finally got to me after three years, I returned to Sydney. After working other practices in Sydney, I joined this practice in 2010. I completed the Primary Examination of the Royal Australiasian College of Dental Surgeons (RACDS) in 2008. Other academic interests include involvement with teaching dental students at the University of Sydney; interviewing prospective students for the medical and dental degrees (Sydney University); and published research on an ADRF scholarship during my undergraduate years I have been a volunteer dentist at the Poche Centre for Indigenous Health in Bourke for the indigenous community there. It was fun flying on the Royal Flying Doctors plane (in between bouts of nausea). I have been involved with the Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures TM program in providing dental education visits at local schools. I am a member of the ADA, Australian Society of Periodontology (ASP) and International Team for Implantology (ITI).