BDSc (Melb), DClinDent (Perio) (Melb), FRACDS, Specialist Periodontist
Dr Jason Bloom is a male Specialist Periodontist.
Jason Bloom was born to be a dentist. His father, uncle and wife are all dentists and all that he talks about are teeth (just ask his wife). He has been a dentist since 1998 working in both Australia and the UK, and has completed his speciality training in 2007.
Dr Bloom has been awarded both his dental and specialist degrees from the University of Melbourne and is involved in teaching implants to dentists. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons and member of professional groups such as the Australian Society of Periodontology, Australian and New Zealand Academy of Periodontists, Australian Osseointegration Society and the Australian Dental Association.