Dr Jashan Kaur is a female General Dentist.
Dr Jashan Kaur is the owner and Principle dentist at Family Dental Care. She graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2011. She was business person of the yar in 2023 local business awards. She has lead the team to various milestones and multiple awards . Latest one is BUSINESS OF THE DECADE 2024 in Australian Small Business Champion awards .
Since then, she has made quite a name for herself by expertising in various aspects of dentistry such as cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, children’s dentistry, orthodontics and dentures. She is an experienced general dentist and an INVISALIGN and CLEAR CORRECT provider.
She takes a lot of pride in providing quality service and treatment, as well as achieving desired results for her patients. Her good listening skills, and calm and polite nature puts patients at ease. Her strength lies in helping those who struggle with dental anxiety.
She is currently studying a course in Dental Implants, and loves learning new techniques and technology in the dental field.