BDS (Otago), General Dentist
Dr Janie HM Hsieh is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Dr Hsieh calls Taipei, Auckland and Sydney her hometowns. She has been a team member of Maroubra Family Dental since 2007. Educated at the University of Otago (Bachelor of Dental Science) and the London Institute in Seattle, Washington, USA (dental implant surgery), Dr Hsieh is a recipient of the Trinity College London Grade Nine Piano with Distinction award.
About her work at the practice, she says: ‘I love seeing the smiles on my patients’ faces when I know that we’ve made a change in how they feel about their teeth and have made an impact on improving their oral health. Dentistry connects science with art, and it is always evolving. The variety of cases we see make my job interesting. Through my job, I also get to meet many new people and have the opportunity to help people. All of these would not be possible without a wonderful team of staff and colleagues who are always working together to provide the best care for our patients.