Dr Jane L Vlismas Loughlin Dental TOOWOOMBA

Dr Jane L Vlismas

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Jane L Vlismas is a female General Dentist.

Jane graduated from the Bachelor of Oral Health/Graduate Diploma of Dentistry program at Griffith University in 2012. Since graduating, Jane has developed her skills in all areas of general dental practice. She has a special interest in working with children and dentally anxious patients.

Jane previously lived in Toowoomba while studying a Bachelor of Music at USQ. She put these studies on hold with only a year to go in order to pursue dentistry. Returning to Toowoomba provided Jane with the opportunity to return to her music studies and she completed her Bachelor of Creative Arts (Mus) in 2015. She continues to be an active member of the Toowoomba Choral Society, having joined while completing her studies.

During her dentistry studies Jane had the opportunity to work briefly with the Royal Flying Doctor Services' Outback Oral Treatment program, providing basic oral health care to disadvantaged communities in outback New South Wales.