Dr Jane CC Ho Bicton and Cockburn Paediatric Dentistry Bicton

Dr Jane CC Ho

BDS (Otago), DClinDent (Paediatric Dentistry) (Melb), Specialist Paediatric Dentist

Dr Jane CC Ho is a female Specialist Paediatric Dentist who speaks Malay and Mandarin (as well as English).

Dr Jane Ho graduated from the University of Otago in New Zealand with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery in 2011. She worked in Private Practice and at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne for a number of years, before going on to obtain a Doctor of Clinical Dentistry degree, specialising in Paediatric Dentistry at the University of Melbourne in 2017. After having spent time working at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, she then went on to successfully complete a Paediatric Dentistry Craniofacial and Special Care Fellowship at the renowned Hospital of Sick Children in Toronto, Canada. In the two years she spent in Canada, Jane worked closely with medical and dental specialists in providing treatment for medically compromised children.

Jane returned to Australia in 2019 and commenced Private Specialist Paediatric Dental Practice in Perth. She also regularly provides dental treatment under general anaesthesia at Southbank Day Surgery. She has a special interest in treating children with dental anxiety, developmental dental defects, special needs, dental trauma, as well as management of infant and children with cleft lip and palate. Jane is also active in continuing education and research, and has given lectures on numerous dental topics both locally and internationally.