Dr Jane E Harding Townsville Orthodontic Specialists Townsville

Dr Jane E Harding

BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), DClinDent (Ortho) (WA), Specialist Orthodontist

Dr Jane E Harding is a female Specialist Orthodontist.

Dr Jane Harding grew up and went to school in Hervey Bay before completing her general dental training at Griffith University on the Gold Coast where she was an inaugural member of the Griffith Honours College. Relocating to North Queensland she worked as a general dentist on the Atherton Tablelands and in Townsville for 5 years.

Realising that her passion lay in Orthodontics, Jane decided to move once again to Perth, Western Australia where she completed 3 years of full-time study at The University of Western Australia to graduate as a Specialist Orthodontist. While at the University of Western Australia, Jane undertook research looking at three-dimension digital surgical planning and outcomes in combined orthodontic-surgical patients.

Jane has always called Queensland home, so following graduation returned and joined Townsville Orthodontic Specialists working part time.