BDS (Birmingham), General Dentist
Dr Imogen Foster is a female General Dentist.
Imogen is our Principal Dentist and graduated from the University of Birmingham (UK) Dental School in 1988. After building a wide range of experience working in a variety of practices in England, her husband Mark and the family were relocated to Oman by the Royal Navy for over two years. Having had a taste of life in a hot climate, they decided to move to Australia in 2006 with their three sons. Initially Imogen worked in a practice in Burnie on the north- west coast of Tasmania and four years ago made the move to Queensland where the family readily adapted to the new warmer climate and outdoor lifestyle of Hervey Bay. “Now we are living in paradise!”
Throughout her 25 year career, Imogen has ensured that her clinical knowledge has remained at the cutting edge by attendance at a wide range of post graduate courses, lectures, seminars and workshops on topics including:
Imogen has a very caring and gentle approach to dentistry, with a strong belief in minimally-invasive and preventative treatments. She fervently believes that care of teeth is a team effort between dentist and client.