BHSc (Latrobe), MDent (Latrobe), General Dentist
Dr Imogen M Bessell is a female General Dentist.
Dr Imogen Bessell is a passionate and caring dentist, graduating from La Trobe University with a Bachelor of Dental Health Science and a Masters-level degree in Dentistry. Throughout her studies, Dr Bessell has had the opportunity to work in a range of clinical settings, caring for patients from Bendigo to Mildura. Dr Bessell is known for her caring and gentle nature which translates to her work, where she places emphasis on dentistry delivered with a gentle approach to ensure her patients remain comfortable to work towards their oral health care goals together. Dr Bessell is passionate about providing ethical and comprehensive care, with particular interests in restorative and aesthetic dentistry in both children and adults alike. She greatly enjoys being able to place patients at ease, especially those who are particularly nervous at first.
Dr Bessell strives to ensure her patients achieve their ideal treatment outcomes by remaining at the forefront of dentistry through regular continuing professional development. She is currently an active member serving on the Australian Dental Association Victorian Board Recent Graduates and Students’ Committee.