BDS (Adel), MDSc (Ortho) (Syd), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Hong-An Nguyen is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Hong-An has over 30 years of experience in dentistry. She graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1987 with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and went on to spend her first year working in Wagga Wagga Base Hospital where she quickly developed her passion for orthodontics. She became a qualified Orthodontist in 1994 from the University of Sydney and has been with Maitland Orthodontics since 1996.
Hong-An embraces the everyday challenges of her work and shares her patients’ satisfaction when their braces come off. She is most fulfilled when she sees her patients gain confidence through their smiles, improve their function and develop good oral habits that she knows will last them a lifetime.