BDSc (Melb), General Dentist
Dr Hillel M New is a male General Dentist.
As leading dentist at the Cosmetic Dental & Implant Centre, Dr Hillel New has been providing patients with dental care for 24 years. Graduating from the University of Melbourne Dental School in 1991, Hillel took over the Malvern based clinic in 1994, now known as Cosmetic Dental & Implant Centre.
Before pioneering the CDIC, Hillel began his career with a 3 month oral surgery elective at the prestigious Royal London Hospital. There, he became immersed in oral surgery and was taught advanced surgical skills, not yet taught to his peers in Australia. Exposure to these surgical interventions fast-tracked Hillel’s expertise and his motivation to move into private practice.
At the CDIC, Hillel continues to hone his skills, particularly in the area of major dental rehabilitation and cosmetic dentistry. Known for his easy going nature and attention to detail, Hillel has a real passion for working with clients to achieve the best possible outcomes, offering a range of solutions to help them. Hillel’s dental treatment philosophy centres around a commitment to evidence based dentistry and he holds the view that effective communication is the key to treatment success and good long-term patient relationships.
Hillel has a special interest in developing solutions for patients with dental implant needs, along with particular interest in aesthetic dentistry incorporating reconstructive and implant procedures. In addition to his clinical duties, Hillel is highly active in Dental Education and has been called on by the Dental Board of Victoria and the professional dental indemnity insurance company ‘Guild’ for his expert opinion.
A leading educator in the dental implant field, Hillel has spent the last nine years lecturing Australian dentists on implant placement and prosthetics. Dr New’s past educational appointments include: 3M trainer and accreditor of dentists in the use ‘3M ESPE Mini Dental Implant’, ‘Implant Treatment Planning and Restorative Techniques’ lecturer for the Swiss Implant Company Straumann and Hillel has also conducted lecture programs and Mentor Programs for the Swedish Implant manufacturer Nobel Biocare. He has performed live demomstration surgeries these companies and mentored many dentists in implant surgeries. He is a member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), a professional association that unites implant dentistry professionals worldwide, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) and the Australian Osseointegration Society (AOS) in Australia. Over the years, Dr New has built a reputation for providing quality, pain free, cosmetic and implant dentistry and is often called upon for his expertise as an ‘implant problem trouble shooter’.