Dr Harry Tjoa Pioneer Health Dental Centennial Park

Dr Harry Tjoa

BN (QUT), DMD (WA), General Dentist

Contact Dr Harry Tjoa

Dr Harry Tjoa is a male General Dentist who speaks Indonesian and Mandarin (as well as English).

Harry completed his Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) at The University of Western Australia in 2019, following which he moved to Albany WA where he practised in private practice for three years. Practising in a small country town allowed him to extend and broaden his skills rapidly. Harry moved to Melbourne in January 2023 to commence the Graduate Diploma in Clinical Dentistry (Implants) at The University of Melbourne. He joined Coburg Dental Group in February 2023.

Harry strives to provide quality dental care in a calming environment to all of his patients. A firm believer in patient-centred care, he encourages his patients to play an active role in their dental management. Prior to dentistry, Harry had practised as a registered nurse in both public and private hospitals. His nursing training provided him with an excellent chair-side manner and communication skills.

Harry is a keen learner who craves knowledge and development. He routinely attends professional development courses and listens to a wide range of educational dental podcasts. He is passionate about comprehensive dentistry with the focus of contemporary adhesive and minimally invasive dentistry.