Dr Hanya L Furdas Crescent Village Dental Centre Midland

Dr Hanya L Furdas

BDSC (Hons) (WA), General Dentist

Dr Hanya L Furdas is a female General Dentist.

Dr Hanya Furdas is a Perth girl born and bred in the Hills. Upon graduation from UWA in 2005 with Honours, she moved up North to work in a busy rural practice for three years. Since being back in Perth she returned to her childhood stomping ground to work in Midland.

Hanya enjoys trying to break the stereotypical dentist mold and likes to take the time to ensure patients feel more at ease in the dental chair. She gets a lot of satisfaction in getting patients to a position where they actually look forward to coming in and catching up every six months for maintenance and a chat.

Hanya really loves her job and particularly enjoys aesthetic work and takes pride in giving people a smile they are happy to show off. She also love seeing the kids so feel free to bring them in for a check and a glove balloon animal- if they’re good!